Brand Name

Product name assigned by the Supplier

Liquor Code

Five digit code number assigned by the MLCC that is used to order liquor in Michigan , in the Liquor Price Book, on invoices, etc.


Name of the Authorized Distribution Agent (ADA) that distributes the product


Name of the product’s supplier


Category of liquor that the product falls under, i.e. Gin, Vodka, etc.


Alcoholic Proof of the product

Bottle Size

Size of individual containers of the product, in milliliters

Pack Size

Number of individual containers in one whole case of the product

Base Price

What the State paid for the liquor plus the State’s 65% markup

Less Licensee Discount

Discount on the cost of the product allowed to licensees – 17% of Base Price

Plus Specific Taxes

The three taxes – each being 4% of the Base Price – that are collected by the Commission and distributed to the General Fund, School Aid Fund, and the Convention Facility Development Fund

On-Premise Price

Price per bottle paid by on-premise licensees to the MLCC for purchase of the product

Plus Off Prem. Tax

1.85% of Base Price – Distributed to the Liquor Purchase Revolving Fund, transferred to the General Fund, and appropriated by the Legislature – Paid by off-premise licensees only

Off-Premise Price

Price per bottle paid by off-premise licensees to the MLCC for purchase of the product

Plus Licensee Profit

The amount of profit the licensee makes upon the sale of the product – 17% of Base Price

Minimum Shelf Price

The minimum price per bottle, excluding sales tax, paid by the retail consumer to an off-premises licensee

GTIN(UPC) Code Number 1

Global Track Item Number assigned by the supplier

GTIN(UPC) Code Number 2

A second, valid Global Track Item Number, where applicable

Effective Date

The date that the above information regarding this product, and the entire file, becomes valid